All the bloggers out there, this one might be something you would like. Bloggers have had a deeper relation with Google AdSense ever since the concept came out. The concept never really left from the surface at all. But it has now become difficult for all the bloggers to get Google AdSense approval at all. Not all the bloggers get past the approval phase that quick and they start losing hope.

Here Are the 10 Best Google Adsense Alternatives That Work Perfectly Fine for Bloggers and Small Businesses:
1. Meridian
Accepting publishers of all possible sizes, this platform is something that runs on the CPM- Cost per Mille . It sets a bare minimum price for the website advertisements and lets you advertise your content far and beyond the geographic borders. It still ranks as one of the top platforms to advertise.
2. Adsterra
There are two payment runs per month, for a small amount of setting up price that you are asked to pay. It has many third party vendors as payment options, even Bitcoin for that matter. The reach of this platform is pretty high and allows you to get through the difficulty of ‘approval’.
3. Easy Monetizer
Sounds like a payment platform, but indeed is an advert platform. The reach, again, is good and allows you to post a decided set amount of advertisements for the amount you pay. It is not a direct advertising alternative, but it monetizes all that you post there so it becomes AdSense alternative .
4. Viglinks
Another top notch platform for advertising, you can understand how well it works with the user adoption it has. It has minimum charges for setting up and to continue and also to hold up with the kind of traffic you generate- it has different functionalities.
5. Skimlinks
It is for publishers again, focused more on the e-commerce and commercializing of the content that you post. You can monetize the content and advertise the content all through the platform thus garnering enough traffic already.
6. OIO market place
The OIO marketplace allows you to market your content and blogs all through the platform and allows you to monitor the same. It just won’t be about posting the content and doing nothing about it; it also involves having to monitor the content that you post.
7. Blogher
The blogher is something both of a blog as well as something of a platform to advertise. As the name suggests, it is a blog for female section of the bloggers exclusively. A CPM based networking site as well, the female bloggers get a huge amount of exposure when they advertise their content online on this platform.
8. Prosperent
They have a set 30% of commission from the small scale publishers and also about 20% for large scale publishers. They do have multiple portals to make the payment possible. The main idea behind this was to just make sure all the publishers get a platform to advertise their content out.
9. Bidvertiser
As the name suggests, it is entirely an advertising portal and makes sure that your content, the blog or the link goes out to the people it needs to go to. Again a paid platform, you get the amount of commission you deserve only after the reach of the blog is monitored by them.
10. Infolinks
This platform picks up your existing content on the blog and creates text adverts out of the same. They pay the publisher about 45 days after the month of the publication ends. The test month goes to about 45 days.
There are many platforms that allow you to advertise your blog or content specifically, all you need to do is to create enthralling content and go about advertising.