The Cost per Click is something everyone’s looking forward to in the recent years. The basic logic, as the name suggests is to make as many clicks on the website possible so that you get paid for click out there. The CPC is something that is garnering a lot of money out there for people who have blogs on Google platforms or even AdSense for that matter. Focusing on what the AdSense CPC mean, it is important to understand that the Advert clicks too generate lot of money, more than the traffic benefits.

Here Are 6 Best Strategies to Increase the CPC of Your Adsense Advertisement:
1. Relevant adverts matter on the right platform
IF you advertise your philosophical blog on a singers’ website; it won’t be of any use at all. The main idea behind this is to let you advertise yourself only on the platforms that actually make sense to the blog in the first place. The relevant content out there will garner more clicks and people will click to learn more- this way you earn more through CPC.
2. Content that you post as ads is also important
The content that goes live as the advertisement also matters. The description you give, the questions you ask on the advertisements actually should ask the people to click up the link and rad more. It should be enthralling and engaging content and not just blatant lines of nothing. The quality of content will eventually decide the number of clicks you will have per day and then indirectly decide up on the money you shall earn.
3. Let the audience choose
There must be option that lets people block advertisements too. Even though this sounds absurd, it is important for you to at least maintain the AdSense account that you have. You cannot let people forcefully click up on the link just so that you get the returns out of it. It is important to let the audience choose whether or not they like what they see.
4. Geography should be prominent in the advertisement
The geography that your blog is based out of should be prominent in the advertisement you post. Add a sentence or an image that tells about the place you belong to and about the content that you post. The geography affects a lot of the CPC rate and affects the borderline income as well.
5. Format of the text or the image
You need to fix up with what kind of advertisement you choose to do in. If it text format, you will have to tackle this differently with the font and the colour of the font. If you decide on taking up image as your advertisement, you will have to tackle with the size, pixel and then the colour of the image advert.
6. Placement of the advertisement
Unlike what a lot of people think when it comes to the placement, it is your choice on how to place your advertisement. You can choose to place it at the centre- but again, you don’t want people to block the ad, do you? It is desperately evident that a lot of blogs post their advertisements just near the centre of the screen, which only causes them to block the advertisements and nothing more to it. Place the advert cleverly so that it doesn’t come in the way.
There’s literally lots of scope in the CPC rate of the AdSense. Once you get approval, there are higher chances of you getting extra money from the clicks that happen. All this can happen, only if you are clever enough with your advertisements.